Thursday, 22 December 2011

The adventure that is life...

Hey baby, really appreciated you texting back this morning, i imagined you saying it all to me in person with you're voice and the way you say "tienes un puto problema!". Made me sad that you're not here and that we couldn't laugh about together, but it was cool to get your answer.
Anyway, so after i called Ray i had to wait for about half an hour. He answered but was in bed and NOT AVAILABLE. Pretty pissed at me, but we had a good laugh when he got there. At least he laughed. I cried. It was a fucking traumatic experience. Jake's gonna pay for this. Retard. I can't believe he did that, it was horrible!
Eventually i got home and went to sleep, so it was all good.
Then this morning my mum wakes me up and tells me i have to tidy my room and get the hell out of the house cause the cleaning lady has to clean my room, so i did that and left without even having had breakfast. I went to my dad's office and he took me for breakfast, then i met up with Euge and Marta, cause they were in the centre doing their christmas shopping and i couldn't go back home yet. I went with them, zombie mode on... After a while i was so tired from lack of sleep that everything i saw became fuzzy. And my back hurt from the conditions in which i was forced to sleep last night haha
And now... I'm just sitting with the window open, feet hanging out the balcony and enjoying the nice day. It seems the cold weather left when you did. Oh well, i'll get my share of hypothermia eventually!
Hope everything is going perfectly in Brazil and that you're having a fantastic time with your family, going crazy at night and chilling on the beach getting an awesome tan, like we did together in the summer.
Miss you so much and hope to hear from you soon! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


(you know... :P)

Btw, totally addicted to this song, and i know you love it too!


Hey, this is me informing you a change in the system of my blogging. As of Pry's departure to Brazil which so far has meant i don't really get to talk to her very often even though i have many things to share with her, i have decided my next blog updates until her return will be expressly directed to her in the form of letters. Hope you enjoy, but don't expect to understand everything, as there are things only she will get the reference to.

Love to all and Merry Christmas (almost). XXXXXX

Friday, 16 December 2011

Jibberjabber i'm bored

Bonjour mes amis! Well, i know i haven't posted in a while but the truth is i really haven't had much to say and cba with it. But it's friday now and just realising there are only three days left of school has got me stoked! Plus i have lots to look forward to these holidays, but fret not, i'll let you know about some of the stuff in due course. Soooo, last night was the legendary concert of the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Don't have anything against them, just feel kind of weird being the only person on the face of the earth who's not fussed about them. Oh well. So many of my friends went to the concert, went early to queue for it etc, etc. That all resulted in my being bored to my skull all alone at home. So i thought hey let's skateboard for a bit. Not such a good idea... My eyes were acting up and i couldn't see too much in the dark, plus the route i usually take to the beach has started filling up with these fucking leaves from the trees around there. Not normal leaves. Bullshit leaves with big seeds in them that can potentially kill the best skater in the world as they halt the board in a split second. So anyway, i got tired and wary of skating and decided to head home. Thought i'd go by ryan's and say hi to one of the bartenders who works the day shift, Ray... And then remembered it was ladies' night! Plus, in the bar i met a guy who i know and stayed with him and his drunk friends until practically midnight. It was a good time! Very crazy shit went down :P
So this is pretty much it, chilling for a while before going out with Pry and some other friends as she's breaking my heart and going off to Brazil for a whole month! :( Poor me..

And a song by one hell of a band, as always :D

Thursday, 8 December 2011


Last night was nice. I met a group of my friends and we chilled like the old times... Drank beer, smoked joints, talked shit. Good times. I have fun easily, but i must never forget that they're a very important part of who i am, and that without them the fun sometimes seems pointless, or takes me to extremes. Unwanted actions. But they have restored my peace of mind and that's one of the reasons i love them.
Tonight i'm going out with Pry, Cris and her cousin. Never met the last, but i'm sure this will be a good night! And tomorrow Pry and i are going to the zoo. I love animals and she's never been, so it should be fun. We'll make a day of it! :)
Not much to write about tbh but felt like i had abandoned my blog :/ So here we are, and in honour of the musical genious that is one of my friends, i'm posting a song he showed me which is kinda awesome :)
Peace out my niggas, watch out for new pics tomorrow. x

Sunday, 4 December 2011


Heya, been feeling kinda weird lately. Not so happy with my life. It's dull, monotonous. And to add to it i'm expectant of the future and melancholy about my childhood, idealizing both the past and the times to come.
This afternoon i skated down to the port, as usual. It was chilly, the cold december air biting into my hands and face. I saw the circus had come to town. Big coloured lights shone the word RALUY all around the tent. Hadn't seen it up for over five years. This stirred some of my earliest memories, and i suddenly remembered what it was like being a child, wanting nothing more in the world than to visit the circus and watch the clowns and the jugglers and all the animals, interacting for my sole entertainment. Childhood really is Paradise.

The fare-like music went on and on in the night, lightening my mood. I sat by the port, looking towards the bright lights across the rows of masts above the glittering water and watching people walk home after the show. Enthralled groups discussing the events, couples occupied in animated conversations or just enjoying each other's company in silence. But all living their own lives, oblivious, as i sat and watched the city stirring with life. A city which i have come to hate but love unconditionally nonetheless. Because it is my home. The place where i was born and that holds both good and bad memories. The best and the worst. And i know that, although leaving is something i need to do, there's a part of me that will miss Barcelona every minute i spend away from it, not knowing when i'll come back.

Anyway, that's life for you. Ups and downs. Better get through it and be patient...
Peace out, hope all's well. x

Thursday, 1 December 2011


New month. And, finally, relief..
Yesterday i hit rock-bottom. The stress that had been building up during the last couple of weeks finally caught up with me and i suddenly started to wonder, in a rather depressing manner, what the point of life is. We're born and before we know it our education has already begun. I'm not referring to learning to speak or walk, rather the more demanding disciplines of history, math, literature. And that's okay, to some extent. Or it is until you realise that you never stop, that you study hard to get into a good school so you can study harder and get into a good university where you'll study even harder so you can get a good job and earn a lot of money so you'll actually have a chance at surviving. It shouldn't be that hard. But we live in a society where it's inevitable if not impossible to be anything other than materialistic. Anyway, that was my down. It also included my epiphany of even death being incapable of solving the uselessness of lives in such a society. Nice thoughts, filled me with joy.
But now, as if by magic, i'm feeling better. My doubts about school are one huge step closer to being resolved, exams are over for now, i finally spoke with my mother about something i'd been trying to postpone and the consequences were more than i could have dreamed of, i skated a little after lunch and realised the pain in my knee has been absent for long enough that i can't even remember the last time it was sore.
Oh, and the smell of pancakes is wafting from the kitchen. At this moment it seems life can't get much better. So here's to everyone going through a rough patch. For all you now you could wake up tomorrow and be relieved of all your miseries, even for an hour. That's a lot. Talk about first-world problems.
Take care, xx

^ My boy acting silly :P