But it's time to do something with my life...
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
The metro, half-empty and by far occupied by women at this particular moment, is quiet. All of them sit or stand, lingering, alone, and not a word is spoken. The quiet and individual commute of these people, combined with the rush of the train running over the tracks and the wheeze of the air in the tunnel give me some time to think. My brain racks through several thoughts, quickly skipping from one thing to another: the film i've just seen, which has an interesting effect on me; the solitude of the last two hours that also disrupts something inside me; the vague and sleepiness of my mind after the much-needed sleep in the dark and ample room. I think about life: where i'm headed, what's going to happen to me, what i want to be. This is all oddly philosophical, but perhaps i've been postponing these questions for too long and it's time to get some answers. I walk through the streets on my way home, the stillness of the november evening allowing the thoughts to flow despite the change in atmosphere. I can see the moon above the grandness of the old square; it's simple, and beautiful. Up the stairs i feel myself starting to phase back. I find there's only one person at home: my mother. And this seems as good a time as any to confront what has been occupying my thoughts by far for almost a week. But my vulnerability towards this subject keeps me procrastinating, unwilling to face the situation which will prevent me from even daydreaming.
Monday, 28 November 2011
Back on track
Finally had my last exams for this term this morning and so ends the stress.
Been relaxing after a tiring day at school where i went hyperactive after finding out i've failed history. Sure, i'm not exactly surprised, to say the least, but i'm starting to wonder whether i've got my priorities right... Most people don't want to run and jump when they get that sort of news. Oh well, guess that just sums up how i feel about history.
Anyway, now i technically have plenty free time so i feel pretty good... Gonna start off by skating down to the beach with Pry and then going over to Ryan's to say bye to Mike, as he's leaving tomorrow for Brazil, and staying there three months. Lucky him :)
Probably gonna post often enough in the next few weeks seeing as i have shit all to do. Wishful thinking, of course. I'm sure something will come up :/
Leaving you with a song that adds further to my hype :)
Enjoy, bros! x
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Hi hi! Nice sunday here, got up reasonably early after having slept for about 14 hours yesterday. Well rested, not much work and a lovely day.
Last night watched the second half of the Barça-Getafe game, slightly disappointed, especially after the very last attempts. But yeah, anyone could see they weren't playing like they wanted it, so i'm glad for getafe, they deserved it. After the game ended i sat at ryan's with pry for a bit, both of us dying. Soooo sleepy! Then saw one of the lovely guys we met on friday night and sat and talked with him for a bit. We left the bar at 1, got home and straight to bed. Don't know how we managed to get so tired on saturday night cause we didn't even go crazy, we just sorta chilled, even if it was at a club.
Relaxed a bit this morning, read a chapter of my book and then went for sushi (which i don't really like, i had to sacrifice myself) with my dad and two older brothers. After that went over to the beach on my skateboard cause i couldn't resist such a beautiful sunny day. Almost killed myself on my way to the beach and a guy at a stall there saw my trip and threw me an orange for "being cool and not giving up". Nice guy :)
Got home so tired, non-stop skating ever since i left!
Got home so tired, non-stop skating ever since i left!
And soon it's time to start with my business exam on accounting... just practising. Love the kind of exam where you don't have to learn to many things off by heart. Thank god we're done with that, for now!
Anyway, hope everything's good. love ya xx
Saturday, 26 November 2011
Ahh, Saturday
And finally I can say the stress has gone away. I do have a couple of exams next monday, but what is that compared to last week? I went out for a walk at lunchtime. The good weather, the relief from all this stress and my high spirits in general made me feel like i was on holidays. I missed it... Sometimes it just takes something simple like that to make you realize how much you love life.
Last night we just had to go out, even though i can confidently say that both of us were completely hammered from this exhausting week. So we went to Ryan's and then to a club called City Hall, where i spent most of my time just sitting on the terrace. It was cold and by then i was almost completely sober but i had a really good time. Again, a little thing like feeling you have a very good time without being drunk helps one a great deal.
And now i'm pretty tired so i think i'm gonna sit back with my new acquisition: "Submarine" by Joe Dunthorne. So far, even better than the film, despite it being a wonderful adaptation :D
Pryscila and me at the new Lechuga, the one that does burgers and is right in front of ryan's (dangerous, very dangerous. Exactly a week ago we were getting drunk in ryan's after having had a burger and deciding to "pop in and say hi". Yeah, we like to kid ourselves... Still, it was a nice afternoon!) :
Finally, all i have to say for now is i hope to get all my energy back so i can skate later for a lil bitch! Take care, babes xx
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
I have a secret I need to tell you
Exquisite visions fill up my mind...
Do you remember me taking pictures of you?
Hey! Busy busy week, but finally got my chance to relax, for now. Have exams every day so i have to spend a lot of time studying... Thankfully, tomorrow's is incredibly easy: just draw. I'm amazed at this subject lol. The only thing is i'm meant to fill out a notebook with pics i like and describe their characteristics. And yes, that is the hardest part. So for now i'm just cutting out pics from magazines, pasting them in and listening to music. That's the kind of homework i like! :)
Other than that, feeling kinda down... Missing people i met in the summer and there ain't much i can do about it.
So this is it for now, take it easy. love love x
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Living life at the fullest
What's been going down? Well, yesterday was a very unproductive day, as i did fuck all in the morning, then went for lunch with my gal Pry, followed by a visit to dear old Ryan's inmediately after which was prolonged til about 2 am... I woke up this morning realising i'd had nothing for dinner and was worried about eating, too. Trying to keep the shit down, you know? So at about 11 Pry and i left my place and went down to the beach, supposedly to read. Me boarding and she on the bike. Had a nice time there watching the awesome waves and some people learning to surf. Got bored and headed off to la ciutadella to pass the hangover (hey, first hangover ever! my head hurt so much this morning, and my tongue felt like a sponge filled with booze. Half-worried it would dissolve!!). Chilled there for a while on the mud (i do love mud), ate some chips and drank coke to hype up until about lunchtime and headed home. On my way i decided to try a new experience and deliberately didn't see a corkscrew in the middle of the street for an epic fall where the board suddenly stopped as my body kept moving. I think people made bets on my surviving it. Falling is fun.
Anyway, posting a song i recently discovered on grooveshark when listening to the arctic monkeys album Humbug,
love yous! xx
Ps, if i ever stop posting just assume i died, as it seems quite likely. Fuck me, i'm clumsy.
Friday, 18 November 2011
You probably couldn't see for the lights but you were staring straight at me...
Everybody's trying to crack the jokes and that to make you smile. Those that claim that they're not showing up are drowning in denial. But they're not half as bad as me, say anything and I'll agree cause when it comes to acting up I'm sure I could write the book...
Hey guys, so it's fiiiiinally Friday and yet i can't totally relax. Got my geography exam done even though i ended up not studyin at all yesterday. But i'll survive, i'm not too worried about it. So why can't i relax? Well it turns out that next week is the last one this term and cause all the teachers can't be fucked making and grading our exams until the very last week (and they complain about us not studying for long enough... ha!). And now we have 6 exams in one week as well as various other bits and pieces of work to do. But at least i got some relief today, went skating! And i've been in an awesome mood all day. 'SALL GOOD IN THE 'HOOD! :)
So yeah, weird thing happened today. I went out with another of my best friends, Daniela, down to a small shopping centre on the port in Barcelona called Maremagnum cause she needed to get a dress for this fancy party she's going to. So we went over there and the plan was to go to the park after so I could practice my ollie. But someone else phoned her and we decided to do it another day, seeing as she has even more things to do than me and i didn't want to stress her. And i still felt like skating, but wasn't sure about going to the park and doing weird stuff on the grass just by myself... as well as being weird i ran the risk of crashing my skull into the floor and not having anyone to rescue me or call an ambulance. So i just went down to my usual place in front of the beach - i love the sea, it calms me, and also there's a place where a few skaters go so i chill with a couple of them, the ones i know. So yeah, as i was saying, i went down there and practiced a few simple tricks, like turning from side to side the skateboard by pressing down on the back so that the nose is lifted and free to turn (pivoting), or just riding on the back two wheels of the board with the nose lifted up. Haven't mastered the latter yet... In fact, i can barely do it for more than a few seconds, but it's a start! Both of these tricks are really similar as they involve putting all the pressure on the tail of the board and balancing your body to control the movement (either forward or sideways).
Anyway, all this is beside my point. So I was practising the tricks until about 6.30, when i got tired and decided to head back home. On my way i started chasing some bikes cause the girl who was on one of them looked like a bitch and i thought yeah why not... So i was being reckless and stupid and almost crashed into this other skater guy who just turned a corner. He started to say something but i didn't quite catch it. At the traffic lights i turned around and noticed the guy was with some other skaters and they had a little ramp thing set up and were recording some tricks. Looked pretty pro, so i decided to stay for a while and look. Later the guy came to talk to me and we chatted for a while, and when they left i went home. But all the time i had this feeling i'd seen this guy before, and i was pretty sure i knew from when too: in april or so of this same year, Daniela and i, bored or something, decided to skate to my current spot at the beach. She got her camera and we both took it in turns to use my skates (this was pre-slateboard times). When Daniela was off skating, I was left with her camera and these skaters who'd been doing some tricks near me appeared in front of the lense just as i was about to take a picture of Daniela and posed. I remember that picture well because it was so natural and it had such an authentic look to it. So yeah, i got home and checked the photo album on facebook and there he was... Or I think that's him, one of the two "posers". So now i'm just chilling here and can't wait to find out if it's the same guy! Would be pretty cool if it is :)
Anyway, so yeah, skateboarding, work to do and now i'm feeling tired :/ and Pry keeps insisting i go out with her. And i just can't say no to my baby <3 But we'll see, i'll try to get some of the shit i have to do done and then make the decision.
I'll leave you with another of my favourite tracks. So peaceful, calm, solemn... <3
Love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thursday, 17 November 2011
my one true love
Well, it seems that even going to the library for a while has not helped me study, big surprise. And since i got home i've just been watching videos of the Arctic Monkeys playing live at Reeds Festival in '09, one of the best live shows i've seen so far by them. Just makes me think about how much i admire alex turner, how he's pretty much the most perfect person in the world, about how much i love the 'monkeys. Also remembering great times at the concert they held in january '10, and how i can't wait til the next time they come (jan. 28th 2012) with his sexy-ass rocker look -even if the album they're currently promoting is, in my opinion the "worst" (how can i call any arctic monkeys album bad?!)...
But it is my opinion that, although i loved and cherished and pretty much idealised in every way the chung-turner relationship, and i was crushed when it ended (though also fantasised about alex a lil bit, as would any fan like myself), that the relationship and the maturity it will have supposed for alex has changed him. He has gone from God to hero. It's more like the beauty in this new album is obvious, but as it's also present in other more inconspicuous forms in the previous ones, i have slightly less respect for Suck it and See. But that's just my opinion. And of course, i love it too. Inconditionally.
And now I'm gonna post another video of the 'monkeys playing live at reeds. One of my favourite songs but not one of the most famous ones. It's one of the other things i like about it: its apparent idleness in a lot of fans' "knowledge"... So here it is, enjoy! :)
PS, don't you just love how sexy he is? :P
Death, maybe?
Hey hey! I'm home early cause i got some hours off for a protest this afternoon against the cuts being done by the spanish government, so i've been home for a while, watching skate videos and listening to Humbug, one of my all-time favourite albums. And i think it's time to start learning the ollie so i've been watching tutorials... can't wait to try it out even though i'm 99.9% sure that at one of my first tries i'll fall so hard i'll end up in hospital. So i might not post in a few days. I'm hoping to get some studying done after my oncoming nap and if i know all the stuff well then i'll go try the ollie at La Ciutadella (apparently trying tricks of that sort on grass is much better cause the skateboard doesn't keep rolling so if you fall it's not so bad... seems obvious and yet i'd never thought of it before. oh well). Anyway, i'll leave you with the track i'm currently listening to. love love
oh, alex :')
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Hey peeps! Just noticed i haven't really talked much about my girl Pry. She's one of my best friends in the world and being with her is always pure awesome, we go insane together :P
I went to her place for lunch today cause we both had to study so decided to do it together... bad idea - we went all hyper and started remembering crazy times this summer and just could notstop laughing. Nice times, love ma bro :)
[Me in the black blazer, Pry in the red one (we actually swapped jackets; cute, huh? :P) and half a creep on the right side trying to be in the pic with us, at Pry's latest birthday; October 2011]
[Me and Pry at La Ciutadella park in Barcelona, recovering after extravagant birthday celebrations; October 2011]
[Me and Pry "studying" philosophy in a rather traditional manner; April 2011]
And the truth is that we haven't been friends for a very long time, but we've gotten really close quite quickly.... and i luvz her! so, this is me promoting her. So if you want to know more about us, or, in particular, her -now you've seen her-, go to hers. Thanks a million guys. Hope all's well in da hood. x
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Kick push
Heyy hey guys. All good here, chillin as use. Here in Barcelona it's rather gloomy, been raining pretty hard all day, and even though at some points it has stopped for a while, my desire to skate has not been satisfied... wet ground. Uncool.
So instead i've just been listening to kick push - lupe fiasco and looking up vans shoes to pass the time. Decided i wanna get vans era in grey and vans old skools in black and red :)
But hopefully soon the rain will stop and i'll be able to practice. Very excited!
peace out. x
Monday, 14 November 2011
Aaaaand... I'm back
Yeah, didn't expect it to last long, my absence. Never do. As i pointed out earlier, I get distracted easily. In fact i haven't even started any of the work i was meant to do. So much for that.
Anyway, just want to leave you with what i've been doing for the last oh-i-don't-know hour? Whatever, been chillaxing watching music vids, interviews and so on. Here's one of my idols, one of the women for whom i currently have the most profound admiration. I leave you with alexa chung <3
And here's to the last 4 and a half hours which have been spent -by me- trying to convince myself i would get at least something done!
Love x
Rain and other shit (not that rain is necessarily bad, I'm using "shit" as a generic term)
Hey all, I'm Zoe and this is my second blog, which has just randomly been created because of two things: one is, as many things are, the boredom which at most times -as you will discover- dominates my life. I am easily distracted and don't pay much attention to stuff, as a rule. The other is that one of my best friends just created a blog of her own and even though we do share another, completely different and unique blog, it got me thinking that that one doesn't quite cover all I have to say about myself.
I am currently living in the marvelous city of Barcelona, where I was born and raised, despite my non-spanishness (if that's a word; you might notice that now and then I make up words... I have perhaps an over-active imagination, one of the factors in my idleness of mind).
I am, in case my name created any confusion, a girl. In my day-life I try to do many things (because of course, I'm also restless) even if I'm not living life at its fullest: I like music (indie rock and of course, the classics; but you will discover that soon enough), films and traveling. Those are my deepest passions. I also daydream a lot, I draw -or doodle, rather- and, of late, I do my best at skateboarding.
So that's me.
I will warn you this is my formal presentation. My next blog entries will undoubtedly be sloppy and probably not very well thought out.
I'm out... I should probably get some work done :/
Oh yeah, and here's a pic of me:
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