Sunday, 20 November 2011

Living life at the fullest

What's been going down? Well, yesterday was a very unproductive day, as i did fuck all in the morning, then went for lunch with my gal Pry, followed by a visit to dear old Ryan's inmediately after which was prolonged til about 2 am... I woke up this morning realising i'd had nothing for dinner and was worried about eating, too. Trying to keep the shit down, you know? So at about 11 Pry and i left my place and went down to the beach, supposedly to read. Me boarding and she on the bike. Had a nice time there watching the awesome waves and some people learning to surf. Got bored and headed off to la ciutadella to pass the hangover (hey, first hangover ever! my head hurt so much this morning, and my tongue felt like a sponge filled with booze. Half-worried it would dissolve!!). Chilled there for a while on the mud (i do love mud), ate some chips and drank coke to hype up until about lunchtime and headed home. On my way i decided to try a new experience and deliberately didn't see a corkscrew in the middle of the street for an epic fall where the board suddenly stopped as my body kept moving. I think people made bets on my surviving it. Falling is fun.
Anyway, posting a song i recently discovered on grooveshark when listening to the arctic monkeys album Humbug,

love yous! xx
Ps, if i ever stop posting just assume i died, as it seems quite likely. Fuck me, i'm clumsy.

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